How did we get these numbers?
We have installed electronic bike counters at various points around the city. The monthly total above represents the number of times we have counted people on bikes. Depending on where you are going you may be counted by more than one counter or counted twice by the same counter. We currently only have a small number of counters so there are many more trips that are not counted.
A more detailed breakdown of the numbers can now be found on the main cycle data pages on the Council’s Transport Projects website. We have made this change to make it easier for everyone to find the data in one place. You’ll also find the full set of data back to May 2018 when the first counters were installed.
What’s the trend?
Month by month, the numbers from our electronic counters will vary a bit – but what’s the trend overall?
Seasonally, it’s quite easy to spot a trend. Fewer people cycle in the cold winter months but we always see a rise in the numbers of bike trips in spring and summer.
Overall, the trend is up: the figures show the number of people commuting by bike in Wellington has more than doubled since we started our annual morning-peak cordon counts in 2000. Why not join them?
About our counters
Manual cordon counts have been happening throughout Wellington since 2000. Since early 2018, we’ve been installing electronic eco-counters around the city to more accurately record the numbers of people making trips by bike.
We collect data from the counters each month and this shows how many people on bikes have passed each point, and when. Some counters record more information such as the direction of travel and the number of people on foot passing the same point. To see where the counters are located, go to the Transport Projects website.