Sometimes, as much as you’d like to cycle everywhere, your kids have to come first. You might not be able to put them on their own bike right away, but with some planning you’ll be able to get the kids to kindy, school, or sport and still enjoy a bike to work every morning.

Adding a strapped-in seat to your bike works well for little ones, and you can work up to a free-standing seat or rear tag-along once they’re old enough to hold onto the handlebars. They’ll start to get a sense of balance that’ll come in handy when they ride their own bike. Have a look at what’s available and decide what’s right for you and your child.

If you’ve got a lot of stuff — or a few kids – to transport, then a cargo bike could be the right thing for you. There are a variety of styles available and they typically come with a large compartment at the front that can carry children, or your groceries. With electronic versions also a available, a cargo bike can be a great family transport option. 

Once kids are old enough and on their own bikes, cycling can easily become part of the family routine. Have a look at these safety tips for kids on bikes and riding with kids and see how other Wellington families are doing it.

Cycling with kids requires some planning and some extra bits and pieces, but it sets them up for an active lifestyle, and it’s a great family bonding experience.

What could you do on a bike?

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Little bike

Start riding in Wellington

Learning to ride is the first step to enjoying all of the great things about cycling. Find out how to get started.

Little bike


Cycling is a smart investment. The environment, economy and all road users benefit from it. Cities around the world are making changes to support cycling as a way to provide people with transport choice, and we are doing the same in Wellington.This s…
